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Thank God I Found You

As I was listening to the song “Thank God I Found You” of Mariah Carey, I can’t help but to write a poem inspired by it. After half an hour, [ta-dan!] another masterpiece was made out of the title of the said song. Though, it wasn’t yet polished. Here it is:

Thank God I Found You

Without you here, I am broken
Without you now, I am torn
I’m relieved that you are near
For without you, I’d disappear

Back then, I was dreadfully useless
And my life appeared to be senseless
Through those years, I longed for unconditional love
That unreserved love, I thought no one can give

At last, after the long run
I finally found my man
The man that made me believe
That true love do exist

That pure love that no one would ever resist
That kind of love that nobody would want to miss
I thought that this form of love was extinct
But what I thought have amended in just a blink

My life changed since you came
And realized that love is not a game
That there’s still a man who is unselfish
And would strive hard to give what I wish

Truly, there’s no such perfect person
But surely, there’s always a perfect love
I was thankful I found it in You
Thank God I Found You

While I was making the poem, many things came in and out of my mind. And I must confess, I was really inspired not only by the song but also by the MAN I LOVE. OMG! Do I have one Or am I just daydreaming? What do you think? LOL!

BTW, if you want to hear the song, kindly click this:
Thank GOD i Found You

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009 (1:24 PM)

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