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I Care

Life is very short to live with regrets. So, while there is time left, consume all of it showing our care to our loved ones, for we never know how long we will be with them and how long they will be with us. Do not wait until it’s too late. Make a move. Not tomorrow, but today.

Here are some ways to show our care for our loved ones:

1. Display of affection. For example, your mother is very tired from work; why not give her a hug and a kiss? This simple gesture would mean that you know that she’s tired and you acknowledge all of her sacrifices to raise you. Or for example your friend is crying, giving her a hug would show that you care.
2. Serve. One way of showing that we care is by serving. In an instance, when your parent is rushing a deadline, why not make her a coffee or give her a massage. It will let her know that you know she is being stressed-out and that you care for her.
3. Be There. Always be there when they need you or when they face problems. Simply, your presence is enough to show that you care.
4. Listen. Listening to their perspective, problems, success and the like, shows that you care for what they want to voice out. Sometimes also, all they want and need is someone who will listen to them.
5. Good Advice. When you think your loved one’s life is misleading or he/she is being confused in decision making, give good advice. In this way, you show that you care for what his/her life will be. And you do not want him/her to be in the wrong way.
6. Support. Support them in any way that you can. This can be moral support, financial support, etc. Always give a 100% support.
7. Give Compliment. Always give compliment to them in order to show that you appreciate them and that you care.

8. Celebrate with them. Celebrate with them whenever they have accomplishment, success, etc. This means that you care for the wellness of their lives. And this will make them keep up their good works.
9. Help. Always be ready to lend a helping hand to them. Helping them will lessen the pressure on what they are doing.

10. Assist them. Caring means assisting. We should assist our family or friends in any way.
11. Inspire them. Inspire them to always give their best in everything so they can have an excellent life. Or simply, let’s be their inspiration.
12. Encourage. Encourage them to always do good things. Encourage them to always do their best. Encourage them to always bring out the best in them.

13. Express. Sometimes, we should let them know that we care for them by saying it to them. Saying “I care for you” would be a pleasure for them to hear. But for those who can’t say their feelings in words, they can write a letter instead.
14. Be frank. Tell all the bad things in front of them. Yes, somehow they will get hurt but
sooner they will realize that all you want is for them to change because you care for them.
15. Be Trustworthy. Do not break their trust in you, no matter how small or how big that is. It is important that you value and care for their feelings.

16. Value them. We should give value to our loved ones. Never take them for granted. Because if you will, it means that you do not care for them at all.
17. Good Relationship. Build a good and harmonious relationship with them. Avoid the fights and arguments as possible. Have more patience and understanding. Conflicts can be solved by just talking with each other.

18. Pray for them. When we truly care for them, we pray for them. Prayer is very powerful, right? We pray for their success, wellness, problems, guidance, blessings, and the like.
19. Bring them to God. We bring to God the persons we care for. Because life here on earth is only temporary. Bringing them to God allow them to have eternal life in heaven. Of course, we want them to be in heaven.

20. Love. The greatest of all is LOVE. For we can not care without love. Love them for who and what they are. Love them more everyday. When we love them, all the things written above will easily follow. For LOVE is a COMPLETE PACKAGE.

Remember: Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sin. He died for us because He loves us. He CARES for us.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009 (3:45 AM)

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