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When Two Important Women Of His Life Finally Met

Yesterday, I was invited by Gerome's mom into their house at around 4:30 in the aftrenoon since he told his mother that I was all alone. Honestly, I felt so nervous upon hearing the invitation. Gerome's sister even tried to call me. But I missed the call. I just can't decide if I was to go or not. We did not meet yet. So, it will be the first time. In the end, I accepted the invitation.

Gah, I felt the nervousness running down my nerves. Do I look beautiful today? Am I too skinny? Is my dress okay? Would she like me as a person? Would she like me for her son? Those where some of the questions I asked myself out of a total panicky moment. It was 6:00 in the evening when I finished preparing myself. "I have to look simple yet beautiful," I uttered to myself. I don't need to impress her. I just have to be myself.

Gerome picked me up at Ali Mall and we went straight to their house. I can't explain what I was feeling during that very moment. I can feel  my own heart beat pounding fast, very fast. It didn't slow down. It pound even faster as we reached their front door.

I thought I was going to faint in any moment. My body was kind of shaking. I felt so cold. Until I met her mom face-to-face. We kissed each other cheek-to-cheek as she greeted me hello.  The coldness of my whole body slowly faded as I felt the warmth of his mom's acceptance towards me. 

She introduced me to Gerome's half siblings before we proceed to Gemmie's room. There, I felt more comfortable as we share stories about life. She even gave me a bag as her pasalubong from Qatar. Gemmie phoned Jollibee for our dinner. We had dinner on the floor, the Qatar way.

I was so wrong thinking that his mom is snob and intimidation. She is indeed the opposite. She is so warm and jolly. She is fun to be with. She is cool and kind. She makes you comfortable with her. She makes you feel at ease. She's just so kind. Most especially, she is like my mom.

I was just so happy that I felt so accepted and comfortable. And now, I'm looking forward for many other meetings with her mom. She's just so kind. 
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 (9:01 PM)

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