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Nation Transformers Conference

I went to this church-related conference yesterday entitled Nation Transformers in Cuneta Astrodome Pasay. It was hosted by the History Makers of Jesus Christ The Life Give Ministry. At first, I do not want to go with them since I do not want to wake up very early. But they have succeeded convincing me and went there together with my mom, my sister, my cousin and some of my sister's classmates.

It became stressful, well at most to me, on our way to Cuneta because of the large crowd in MRT platform. They are all waiting for the train to come, just like what we were doing. But everytime the train comes, only two to three people were able to enter the Train since there another set of a large crowd inside. It was impossible for us to enter the train since three trains already passed us and yet the line only moved by one step. I repeat, the one step. It's ridiculous.We were running late. Also, I was stressed by the thought of riding the train with people only a few centimeters away from me.

After another couple of minutes, we have decided to ride a bus instead and waste the money my mom spent for the ticket. Bad mood. But, even though how bad I felt at that moment, I remained calm. As if everything's okay. We arrived at almost 11:00 in the morning at the place only to find out that no seats were available for us to sit. I did not know how to react. I was having headache because of the traffic and then no seat? Great, yeah!

But you know what? God touched my heart and changed my mood. I saw all the people praying and singing praises to God. It's been 2 months since I last attended church services/activities.  Not long after, I found myself singing too. I miss that kind place. I miss that kind of feeling. I miss God.  What an unexplainable feeling I have felt! I know it was God. It was Him.

I love all the preachers and their messages. But I love Pastor Chinkee Tan the most! He is an Ilocano-Chinese Pastor who travels a lot to preach the Word in exchange of nothing in return. He does not earn any money with it. He is just doing it all for God. His message were all striking. He is so funny. Really funny promise. I did nothing but laugh in his entire talk. He is so cute.

Acel Bisa, lead of Moonstar88, and Yeng Constantino were in the conference too! I was really overwhelmed when Yeng went up to the stage. All the people where shouting. The rock star was really a surprise to us. Like Yeng's mentor, Acel, she shared her own testimony too. She was inspiring.

The conference ended 7:00 pm. At  the time we were already very tired yet blessed. It was a really awesome day. It was a perfect year-ender event!


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Thursday, December 22, 2011 (1:48 PM)

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