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First Go-See Experience

Impromptu. That is the word that would best describe today.

I was asked to submit something at finance department which is located in another building which happened to be the building where the Go-See event is being held at. The Go-See was for Intel. And Samsung Ultrabook is the product that will be modeled by the ones who'll get accepted. But, ooops. Before I continue the story, may I explain first what Go-See is all about because I, myself, did not know what was it until I went home and asked Mr. Google.

"A Go-See is simply an appointment arranged by the model or actor/actress (or by the agency). It is an opportunity for the model or actor/actress to interview with clients such as magazine editors, art directors, casting directors, catalogue houses, and the people who make TV commercials and movies." - My Entertainment World 

 I was walking to the Finance Department when Ms. Kat, an HR officer, grabbed me and introduced me to the head of the event. She asked the head if I could join the screening since, according to her, I have already joined various modeling activities like the Asus Fashion Show.

I was kind of lost at that moment. The last thing I know was that I was filling-out the papers that were needed for the screening. I was the first female model to register so I got "F1" as my auditionee number. Meaning, I will be the first one to be interviewed, too!

I was not nervous until the time that the other models arrived. It's not until then that I have realized that I was only wearing a black polo shirt with green collar which happened to be our college shirt, while all the other models were at their most glamorous attires. I felt so little, more like a personal assistant of the other participants. I wanted to back-out but I had the paper submitted already.

There was no way I can get out of the mess but, instead I just thought of giving my best shot in the screening. And just feel confident about myself. Which of course.. did not happen. But yeah, I tried my best to get my poise and stand with grace. It's when I introduced myself and share my modeling experiences to the judges where I became so messed-up. The words just couldn't get out of my tongue. Hey, I was not prepared. The judges asked if  I was nervous, and I didn't hesitate to say yes.

What's worse than auditioning for a modeling event where you when you were just grabbed to register for this without even a chance of changing your clothes or even a minute of preparation? It was all impromptu. I was caught off-guard.

But what was strange was, I still joined. I could have not enter the audition room the last minute, but I still did. Because deep inside, I know that there's a part of me that wanted to grab this opportunity even though I know that there's not a slight chance that I could get in because of all the reasons stated above. But this is what I long for. This is my calling. This is what I dream for. Whatever it takes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 (9:10 PM)

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